Seinan Gakuin
4-L Foundation
4-L Foundation
51 November 28, 2016
Akane Forbess Appointed New Associate

The 4-L Foundation is pleased that Ms. Forbess will be serving at Seinan Gakuin beginning in April of next year, following the end of the third and final year of service by our current Associate, Mr. Erik Berger.
Thanks to
The Seinan Gakuin 4-L Foundation is grateful to those who
support its work through financial contributions. Since the May newsletter,
donations of $450 have been made to 4-L Foundation. Those gifts were from Hugh Young and Leroy & June Seat.
Friends of Seinan Gakuin, as well as friends of Akane and
Eric, who would like to have a part in covering the upcoming traveling expenses
of Akane to Japan and Eric back to the States in March are encouraged to send
their contributions to the treasurer (Keith Seat, 6 Whitehall Ct., Silver
Spring, MD 20901).
Gakuin Centennial Hall Opened
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of
the founding of Seinan Gakuin in 1916, a new building was constructed on the
school campus near the new administration building. (Both of these buildings
are on what the old-timers knew as the athletic field for the old Jr.-Sr. High
The opening ceremony for the new Centennial
Hall (also called Evergreen Hall) was held on October 22.
The new building houses, among other things, the Seinan
Gakuin Historical Documents Center. From the opening until January, the Center
will have a display called “Messages from Three Doziers,” letters and other
materials written by founder C.K. Dozier, his wife Maude, and his son Edwin B.
Mission Week – Focus Week
Mission Week at the Jr.-Sr. High School was held earlier
this month with Dr. Eisuke Kanda, Executive Director of Friends with the
Voiceless, being the speaker for three days each in Chapel services for Jr.
High students and Sr. High students.
Focus Week at the University is this week with Mr. Tomoki
Yoshida of Food for the Hungry the special Chapel speaker on Nov. 29 and Rev.
Aogu Tanimoto, pastor of the Minami Kokora Baptist Church, the speaker on Nov.
30 and Dec. 1.